Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by a woman who, quite frankly, inspires me to be more organized, energetic and creative on a regular basis. Who is this wonder woman? It’s author, mom, blogger and kidlit champion Darlene Beck-Jacobsen. You can find her awesome blog here.  Even better, you can watch the trailer for Darlene’s middle grade historical novel Wheels of Change right here:

Now, without further ado, back to me! The rules of the Very Inspiring Blogger Award are:

• Display the award on your blog

• Link back to the person who nominated you

• State 7 things about yourself

• Nominate 15 bloggers, link to them, and notify them about their nominations


Do you really need that much detail? OK, here we go:

  1. My first “real” job was scooping up ice cream and serving grilled cheese and meatloaf specials at a little restaurant called The Barn. Yes. It was shaped like a barn.
  2. That’s where I learned to calculate sales tax in my head. We did receipts by hand.
  3. It’s also where I became obsessed with creating the world’s best turtle sundae.
  4. If you know a contender for that sundae – let me know. I’ll travel to it.
  5. After that, I mostly worked at summer camps. Consequently:
  6. I can dig a latrine, catch a bat, remove baby mice from sleeping bag lining, and cook a pineapple upside down cake in a trashcan.
  7. At camp, I would get up at 6 am to swim in the lake before the campers woke. That is the only place and time I have been or ever will be a morning person.

Now, for my nominations. While the “offical” rules say to nominate 15 bloggers, I feel like that is overwhelming. I’m keeping it to 10 here. All are run by inspirational women who love the written word as much as I do!

I hope you’ll take the time to drop by some of these fantastic blogs and congratulate them!